I just got back from another wonderful time in the Great Smoky Mountains. Photographically, I didn't know what to expect, as I'd never been there in June before. Overcast skies, partly sunny skies and evening storms were the norm for each day. Such conditions provided enough weather variety to keep me guessing as to what and where to shoot. I did my best to make it as photographically productive as possible and I think I succeeded. The new images are posted in and among older ones you may have already seen. I like to combine images from all seasons for a better visual appeal! Photographs from the trip include scenes from the Tremont region, Andrews Bald, Spruce Flat Falls, Mortons Overlook and spots in between. Next April the plan is for another excursion into the Southern Applachians and then back up through the Bad Branch region of Southeastern Kentucky. We'll see! Until then, I'll be shooting locally in this oppressive summer heat. Later on though, I'm looking forward to this October's camping trip to the Cumberland Plateu, namely in the Red River Gorge area of Daniel Boone National Forest.
News from Jeremy Brasher
June 25, 2012: June Great Smoky Mountains Trip Photos Are In The Gallery!

May 31, 2012: JBP Image Published In Next Month's Issue Of Backpacker Magazine.

One of my images, Double Arch From Auxier Ridge, was sought by Backpacker Magazine for a write up they were doing in their "basecamp" feature of the June 2012 issue. The writeup shows and tells the reader some of the views possible along the Auxier Ridge Trail, like Double Arch, and some considerations before starting into the Red River Gorge region of Daniel Boone National Forest. Love that mag!
June 8, 2011: Cumberland Gap photograph showcased in a forth-coming 2012 calendar.

This image of Cumberland Gap at sunset was captured last fall on my October photo trip through both the Cumberland Gap and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks. Recently, I was happy to be notified that this shot was selected for publication in the Kentucky Bankers Association's Scenes Of Kentucky 2012 calendar. Good stuff.
~ Jeremy
June 8, 2011: My work recognized on naturephotographie.com

Jeremy Brasher Photography has been recognized in France by www.naturephotographie.com/photographes-du-monde/ as part of a new section on "Top Landscape Photographers." This is a wonderful recognition to be included in the group with other great photographers whose work I admire. Check out the site and scroll down to my name, which has one of my autumn scenes of the Smoky Mountain's Cades Cove region above it. It links back to this site but very cool. Thanks Philippe!
December 30, 2010: Morning Web Over Hematite Lake Recognized!

I am pleased to have learned that my image, Morning Web Over Hematite Lake, was chosen as the First Place Winner of the "Fall Across The Lakes Photo Contest" by the staff at The Lake News newspaper. It and other winning photos and honorable mentions are available for viewing in the December 29th edition of The Lake News.
November 29, 2010: 2 New Images on Display At Edward Jones In Calvert City.

Glad to have 2 of my more recent images on display at the Calvert City Edward Jones office. They are both scenes of sailing in the Kentucky Lake Area and help convey a local appeal that the good folks there were interested in.
November 5, 2010: New Images from Cumberland Gap/Smoky Mountains Photo Trip!

I'm happy to have just posted new work, appearing in the Kentucky and Great Smoky Mountains galleries. The trip was enjoyable. Weather conditions stayed the same everyday throughout the trip. It may have limited certain photo ops but presented many others which I tried to take advantage of. Also, I've created a new gallery that is small right now but one I predict will grow quickly. Local Wonderings, is my attempt at searching out photogenic places, areas, or subjects that we pass by everyday. Being born, grown up in and currently living in Western Kentucky, its easy to look past your own backyard in favor of faraway "scenic" places. This new gallery work will be my effort to change that. I'll mostly be concentrating in the counties of Lyon, Caldwell and Crittenden but by no means will I be limited to them.
~ Jeremy
April 28, 2010: Great Smoky Mountains Spring Images!

Several new images have now been added to the Great Smoky Mountains gallery. I spent six days shooting with a friend and the likes of Richard Bernabe. The worshop I attended and the extra days of shooting were fun, relaxing and productive. I hope you enjoy the new images and there will be more coming, as the film I exposed will soon be mailed off to the lab.
- Jeremy
April 17, 2010: Lake and Lighthouse Images

I've been shooting some local sailboat scenes and the Kentucky Lake region now that spring has kicked into high gear here in Kentucky. I'll be shooting some more around the area, as time permits. Next week, I'll be joining a photographer buddy and heading back to the Great Smoky Mountians for 6 days of shooting spring in the park. Fun times! So be expecting new images to appear on the site in the next few weeks.
November 23, 2009: New photos have been added...

New photos have been added to all of my galleries. This will continue, as time allows, as more of my newer and older images make their way onto the site. Happy Thanksgiving to all and remember to check back in occasionally.
- Jeremy
November 2, 2009: Smoky Mountains Fall Trip 2009

My family and I just returned from a wonderful trip to Great Smoky Mountain National Park. I have just posted some of my images that were made during our 6 days there. The fall foliage was vibrant and colorful this year and we fortunate to have "hit it" just right. A combination of cloudy, rainy days and also cloudless sunshine days helped to give me a diverse array of shooting situations. I hope you will like some of the newer images in the Smoky Mountain gallery and I invite your comments on any of them. God bless you!
- Jeremy
October 5, 2009: Welcome to my website!

Hello and welcome! I'm happy to announce the launch of my online image website featuring some of my favorite photographs. This site is a work in progress with many more photographs and galleries to come over the next few weeks/months until its "finished." Look around and share your thoughts, comments and critiques with me. Thanks for stopping by and be sure check back periodically for new additions,as new items are continually being added.